The WLP loyalty program is based on a partnership between traders, freight forwarders and local entities to provide additional trade in exchange for direct Benefits. It is structured as a four-Tier Membership scheme: White, Silver, Gold and Platinum, with different levels of incentives. Every year, Tiers membership is re-evaluated based on trade performance, and WLP Members can be downgraded or upgraded by up to one Tier.
To unlock Tiers, traders and freight forwarders need to be growing beyond the market rate. To move to the Silver Tier Members must outperform market growth by 5%, to reach the Gold Tier trade growth must be 10% above the market rate and to enter the Platinum Tier, 20%. As they unlock new Tiers, WLP Members enjoy a wider range of Benefits leading to greater time and cost reductions.

Members start in the WLP within different Tiers as follows:
- Global top trading companies, identified by the WLP team, enjoy Platinum Tier benefits across all Hubs.
- Selected top trading companies at the Hub level, identified by the local benefit providers and the WLP team, are registered immediately at the Silver Tier in the first year.
- Selected top trading companies at the Gateway level, identified by the freight forwarders associations and the WLP team, are registered immediately at the Silver Tier in the closest Hub in the first year.
- Other companies join the WLP at the White Tier and can be upgraded by up to one Tier per year by reaching trade growth targets in consecutive years.