Freight Forwarding & Logistics Loyalty Programme
The WLP is a trade loyalty programme designed to facilitate the smooth flow of trade across the world and is driven to transform trade and logistics on a global scale. The WLP utilises their knowledge and expertise to provide premium services that guarantee the efficiency of trade across the world.
On a mission to boost the global economy, the WLP is a freight and logistics loyalty membership that provides benefits to relevant participating traders, freight forwarders and businesses within the initiative. Harnessing the rich physical infrastructure and network of the WLP, Members have access to a range of different benefits in accordance with their own levels of trade and growth.
WLP works by offering four different tiers within the trade loyalty scheme. These include White, Silver, Gold and Platinum and provide different benefits for both. It remains free for businesses to join and become a WLP Partner or Member of the WLP.
Managing our progress
The WLP cargo loyalty programme is split into three different forms of governance:
- The Global Summit
- The Global Steering Committee
- The WLP Hub Boards.
The Global Summit and Global Steering Committee meet both annually and quarterly respectively, while the Hub Boards – consisting of Partners, ministries, and trade associations – represent a more regular and local means of monitoring progress and objectives of different WLP Members.
Crucially, the Hub Boards allow for the approval of new Partner benefits as well as implementing swifter responses to pressing matters. In contrast, the annual WLP Global Summit, chaired by H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, is concerned with the development and growth of the initiative on a more global scale.
Read more about the WLP governance and the operations promoting smooth management of the World Logistics Passport.
Rewarding our Members
The idea is simple; like most customer loyalty programmes, traders are able to unlock a greater number of benefits and value for the more trade they perform. The one caveat, however, is that Members must be growing at a rate above the current market average. For example, Silver Tier Members must be outperforming the current market growth by a factor of 5%; a figure of 10% for Gold Members and 20% for those of WLP’s Platinum Members. Therefore, those in the Platinum tier naturally benefit from greater time and cost reductions than Silver and Gold Members.
The trade benefits of WLP’s trade loyalty programme can be both financial and non-financial, and include the fast-tracking of cargo, reducing overhead administrative costs and overcoming non-tariff trade barriers. These benefits seek to facilitate faster, smarter and smoother levels of trade across the world, through the building of relationships and for the benefit of our Partners, Members and have advantages for the wider global economy.
Read more about the World Logistics Passport and get to know more about the expertise they offer in everything from Customs Clearance to Freight Forwarding, and Supply Chain Management.
Find out how you can become a member or contact us to learn more about the world’s first freight loyalty programme.