The World Logistics Passport governance structure is divided into three main levels of bodies for coordination:
Global Summit
Once a year, the WLP Global Summit chaired by H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum and Co-Chaired by the Chair people of Hub Boards will gather to discuss new directions and policy development opportunities for the program on a global level.
Global Steering Committee
Every three months, a Global Steering Committee chaired by H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum will meet to discuss direction for the global WLP program and quarterly development.
Hub Boards
The WLP Hub Boards, which are the local decision-making bodies in each Hub, will meet regularly to monitor progress, approve potential new benefits and agree on immediate actions.

At the local Hub level, the WLP governance is divided into three pillars. The WLP Key Partners are entities, typically customs, airport / port authorities and airlines, which register as benefit providers in the Hub. They sit jointly with the WLP representatives on the WLP Hub Board. Both the WLP Partner Registration Agreements and Member Registration Agreements clearly detail the conditions of partnership and membership to the program.